Hi, I found this comics. This is Radiator Springs (comics) (http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/threads/preview-comics-for-11-11-2009.277286/#post-4289878) from 2009. I found in it characters who have his pages on World of Cars Wiki. In this comics appear racers named in this wiki Testa Rossa, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, John Lennon, Ringo Starg but in comics there was only some pictures of cars without names. I think someone invented their fake names. And this is big problem.
Also car with noumber 11 or 8 (I'm not sure) is on this wiki show on articule of Spyder Dangerford who was mentioned in Car Finder but not apear in this comics. I'm not sure is that racer with noumber 11 wasn't Andretti but how you can see, he doesn't look like Mario. What do you think?
<script>JSSnippetsStack.push({dependencies:[{"url":"slot1-images.wikia.nocookie.net/__am/1597423354730/group/-/wikia_photo_gallery_js","type":"js"},{"url":"slot1-images.wikia.nocookie.net/__am/1597423354730/sass/background-dynamic=false&background-image=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.wikia.nocookie.net%2F__cb28%2Fworldofcarsdrivein%2Fimages%2F5%2F50%2FWiki-background&background-image-height=273&background-image-width=475&color-body=%23891100&color-body-middle=%23891100&color-buttons=%238b0000&color-community-header=%238b0000&color-header=%233a5766&color-links=%236f027c&color-page=%23ffffff&oasisTypography=1&page-opacity=100&widthType=0/extensions/wikia/WikiaPhotoGallery/css/gallery.scss","type":"css"}],callback:function(json){WikiaPhotoGalleryView.init(json)},id:"WikiaPhotoGalleryView.init"})</script>Also big problem of this is Sammy Smelter. Hi is showed as Rust-eze Racer 10 on pictures from comics. But in fakt, he only was mentioned as Smell Swell racer in story And Now a Word from Our Sponsor.
For me, we should delete this pages (or re-writhe pages of Sammy Smelter and Spyder Dangerford.
Also, I can't foud comics where Fillmore's friends appear but I think that was Radiator Springs #3 Look, this heppie:
- Herbie is in true, reference to car from movie series Herbie and I think that in comics this name never apear. So, we should deleted this page.
- Peace is in fact only word on paint of this car. He is heppie and this was one of frases of this group. For me, this isin't name. Delete this.
- Logan, I don't know from is this name (in my opinion this is fake)
- Marigold, for me this is fake name
- The Underminer is in fakt character from The Incredibles but in comics he was seen on one image, for me, he should be deleted.