30 Votes in Poll
Too much improvement is required here. Try removing the backgrounds and maybe try to change up the actual characters' appearances to make it blend it in. Also, Dusty may need to be smaller, as if he was further off.
I don’t really know what car is the closest to a Hornet. and this comes from me playing since launch
The diecast says it all.
The movie was bad, but it's miles better than Cars 2.
30 Votes in Poll
@Naufaladamiysraf 5-year old Finding Nemo fans getting this card set:
Lots of improvement is needed here.
(grabs and drinks everything)
I've developed some small passion for Todd Marcus since I tried Fast as Lightning and stopped caring about the game.
Live-action cars?
Cars 4 ain't likely.
May I have 99999 glasses of unsee juice?
I got a Dodge Charger Daytona in FH4, modded it and turned it into Strip Weathers. It turned out to be great.
@Naufaladamiysraf srsly, what if a 4-year old who never watched Cars got this and didn't know who Red is just because of one single card... still it's pretty funny
I wanted to get the next-gen 2-pack, but since I didn't want a duplicate Barry, I didn't get it. I absolutely regret it.
Nope, and also get Java.
Maybe don't act like a 6-year old and play with them lightly or display them.