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This page is for the 2013 series of 1:55 scale die-casts made by Mattel.


Y0471 Singles
Y0506 2-packs
Y0539 Deluxe

Piston Cup Collection[]

Toy # Collection # Name Format Model photo Package photo
Y7155 1/18 Chick Hicks Single 24-ChickHicks-Diecast Chick piston cup
Y7163 2/18 Race Tow Truck Tom Single 56-Tow-Diecast Truck tom
Y0513 3/18 Bob Cutlass 2-pack 42-BobCutlass-Diecast Bob darrell
4/18 Darrell Cartrip 43-DarrellCartrip-Diecast
Y0514 5/18 Mrs. The King 2-pack MsKingDiecast Mrs king tex dinoco
6/18 Tex Dinoco 29-TexDinoco-Diecast
Y0551 7/18 Dinoco Helicopter Deluxe Mega-05-DinocoHelicopter-Diecast Dinoco helicopter megasize wgp deluxe - maters
Y7154 8/18 The King Single 47-TheKing-Diecast Tk13
Y0552 9/18 Al Oft the Lightyear Blimp Deluxe Mega-04-AlOfttheLightyearBlimp-Diecast Al oft 2013 diecast
Y7156 10/18 Nitroade No. 28 Single 50-Nitroade28-Diecast Nitroade wgp single - piston cup
Y7160 11/18 Marlon "Clutches" McKay Single Marlon clutches mckay large Marlon
Y7161 12/18 Charlie Checker Single 65-CharlieChecker-Diecast Cc13
Y7164 13/18 Dexter Hoover with Checkered Flag Single Dexter hoover large Dhwcf13
Y7159 14/18 Lightning McQueen Single 01-LightningMcQueen-Diecast Lm13
Y7157 15/18 Sputter Stop No. 92 Single Sputter Stop MSOTS Sputter stop wgp single - piston cup
Y0550 16/18 Elvis RV Deluxe Mega-09-ElvisRV-Diecast Elvis rv wgp deluxe - piston cup
Y7158 17/18 RPM No. 64 Single 41-RPM64-Diecast Rpm13
Y7162 18/18 Race Official Tom Single 57-RaceOfficialTom-Diecast Rot13

Rust-eze Racing Collection[]

Toy # Collection # Name Format Model photo Package photo
Y7174 1/8 Dusty Rust-eze Single DustyRustezeLarge Dre13
Y0554 2/8 Mack Deluxe MackLarge Ms13
Y7175 3/8 Rusty Rust-eze Single RustyRustezeLarge Rre13
Y7176 4/8 Jonathan Wrenchworths Single
JonathanWrenchworthsLarge (Cars Toys Wiki image)
Y0517 5/8 Lightning McQueen with Sign 2-pack LightningMcQueenwithSignDieCast Lmwsf13
6/8 Fred 44-Fred-Diecast
Y7178 7/8 Donna Pits Single DonnaPitsLarge Ds13
Y7177 8/8 Vern Single VernLarge (Cars Toys Wiki image) Vern2013

Festival Italiano Collection[]


"Before the Porto Corsa race, Team Lightning McQueen enjoys a festive and fuel-filled village party!"

Toy # Collection # Name Format Model photo Package photo
Y7165 1/10 Uncle Topolino Single UncleTopolinoLarge Ut13
Y7150 2/10 & 3/10 Race Team Luigi & Guido Single RaceTeamLuigiAndGuidoLarge (Cars Toys Wiki image) Rtl&g13
Y0488 4/10 Franca Single FrancaLarge (Cars Toys Wiki image) Franca wgp single - festival italiano
Y7166 5/10 Mama Topolino Single MamaTopolinoLarge (Cars Toys Wiki image) Mt13
Y0489 6/10 Francesca Single FrancescaLarge (Cars Toys Wiki image) F-13
Y0515 7/10, 8/10, 9/10, & 10/10 Uncle Topolino's Band 2-pack VillageBandLarge (Cars Toys Wiki image) Utb13

World Grand Prix Collection[]

Toy # Collection # Name Format Model photo Package photo
Y0472 1/17 Lightning McQueen with Racing Wheels Single LightningMcQueenWithRacingWheelsDiecast Lmwrw13
Y0475 2/17 Francesco Bernoulli Single 4 Franchesco Bernoulli Fb13
Y0507 3/8 Nigel Gearsley 2-pack NigelGearsleyAndAustinLittletonLarge Ngal13
4/17 Austin Littleton
Y0508 5/17 Raoul ÇaRoule 2-pack RaoulCaRouleandBrunoMotoreauLarge Rcbm13
6/17 Bruno Motoreau
Y0480 7/17 Miguel Camino Single MiguelCaminoLarge Mc13
Y0482 8/17 Rip Clutchgoneski Single RipClutchgoneskiLarge Rc13
Y0494 9/17 Erik Laneley Single ErikLaneleyLarge El13
Y0487 10/17 Max Schnell Single MaxSchnellLarge Max13
Y0491 11/17 Lewis Hamilton Single LewisHamiltonLarge Lh13
Y0495 12/17 Shu Todoroki Single ShuTodorokiLarge St13
Y0474 13/17 David Hobbscap with Headset Single DavidHobbscapLarge Dhwh13
Y7135 14/17 Darrell Cartrip with Headset Single DarrellCartripLarge Dcwh13
Y0473 15/17 Brent Mustangburger with Headset Single BrentMustangburgerLarge Bmwh13
Y0492 16/17 Jeff Gorvette Single JeffGorvetteLarge Jg13
Y0493 17/17 Alex Carvill Single
Alex Carvill

Lightning McQueens Collection[]

Toy # Collection # Name Format Model photo Package photo
Y7179 1/5 Cactus Lightning McQueen Single 06-CactusMcQueen-Diecast Clm13
Y0555 2/5 Lightning Storm Lightning McQueen Deluxe Mega-01-LightningStormLightningMcQueen-Diecast Lslm13
Y7180 3/5 Lightning McQueen with Cone Single LightningMcQueenwithConeDieCast Lmwc13
BBV18 4/5 Cruisin' Lightning McQueen Single 04-CruisinMcQueen-Diecast Clm.13
Y7181 5/5 Nature Drive Lightning McQueen Single Nature Drive Lightning McQueen Diecast Ndlm13

Maters Collection[]

Toy # Collection # Name Format Model photo Package photo
Y7140 1/6 Race Team Mater Single MaterLarge Rtm13
Y0543 2/6 Ivan Mater Deluxe IvanMaterLarge Im13
Y0544 3/6 Kabuki Mater Deluxe KabukiMaterLarge Km13
Y0541 4/6 Francesco Fan Mater (Chase) Deluxe FrancescoFanMaterLarge Ffm13
Y0542 5/6 Materhosen Deluxe MaterHosenLarge Mh13
Y0540 6/6 Dracula Mater Deluxe Dracula Mater Large Dm.13

Lemons Collection[]

Toy # Collection # Name Format Model photo Package photo
Y7169 1/7 J. Curby Gremlin Single
Gremlin head
Y7170 2/7 Vladimir Trunkov Single
Vladimir trunkov large
Trunkov head
Y7171 3/7 Victor H. Single Victor H Vh13
Y7172 4/7 Petey Pacer Single PeteyPacerLarge Pp13
Y0490 5/7 Tubbs Pacer Single TubbsPacerdc Tp13
Y0516 6/7 Tubbs Pacer with Paint Spray 2-pack TubbsPacerAndTrunkovLarge Tpwpstt13
7/7 Tolga Trunkov

Airport Adventure Collection[]

Toy # Collection # Name Format Model photo Package photo
Y7152 1/7 Grem with Weapon Single GremWithWeaponLarge (Cars Toys Wiki image) Gww13
Y0512 2/7 Airport Mater 2-pack AirportMaterAndHolleyShiftwellLarge (Cars Toys Wiki image) Amhs13
3/7 Holley Shiftwell
Y7151 4/7 Security Guard Finn Single SecurityGuardFinLarge (Cars Toys Wiki image) Sgf13
Y7153 5/7 Finn McMissile Single
2 Finn Mcmissile
Y0549 6/7 Krate Rainson-Wash Single KrateRainsonWashLarge (Cars Toys Wiki image) Krw13
Y0486 7/7 Ruka (Chase) Single R.13

Palace Chaos Collection[]

Toy # Collection # Name Format Model photo Package photo
Y7141 1/9 Holley Shiftwell with Screen Single HolleySwiftwellWithScreenLarge Hsws13
Y0483 2/9 Mike Lorengine Single MikeLorengineLarge (Cars Toys Wiki image) Ml13
Y7143 3/9 "You the Bomb" Mater Single YouTheBombMaterLarge Ytbm13
Y0485 4/9 Miles Axlerod with Open Hood (Chase) Single MilesAxlerodwithHoodUpLarge Mawoh13
Y7142 5/9 Maurice Wheelks Single RedGuyInStandsLarge Mw13
Y0484 6/9 Victor Paveone Single YellowJagInStandsLarge Vp13
Y0481 7/9 Mark Wheelsen Single MarkWheelsenLarge (Cars Toys Wiki image) Mw.13
Y0510 8/9 Doug Speedcheck 2-pack Dspdfm13
9/9 Palace Danger Finn McMissile

Retro Radiator Springs Collection[]

Toy # Collection # Name Format Model photo Package photo
Y7187 1/8 Sally Single 48-Sally-Diecast S13
Y7188 2/8 Hank "Halloween" Murphy Single 85-HankHalloweenMurphy-Diecast Hhm13
Y7185 3/8 Lightning Ramone Single LightningRamoneLarge Lr13
Y7289 4/8 Dustin Mellows Deluxe Mega-07-DustinMellows-Diecast Dm13
Y7184 5/8 Brand New Mater Single 19-BrandNewMater-Diecast Bnm13
Y7186 6/8 Greta Single 81-Greta-Diecast G13
Y7189 7/8 Edwin Kranks Single 72-EdwinKranks-Diecast Edwin2013
Y7183 8/8 Mildred Bylane Single MildredBylaneDiecast 2014 mildred

Wheel Well Motel Collection[]

Toy # Collection # Name Format Model photo Package photo
Y7144 1/11 Sheriff Single 46-Sheriff-Diecast Sheriff wheel well motel
Y7147 2/11 Sarge Single 30-Sarge-Diecast S
Y0547 3/8 Red Deluxe RedLarge (Cars Toys Wiki image) Red wheel well motel
Y0511 4/11 Hudson Hornet Piston Cup Lightning McQueen 2-pack HudsonHornetPistonCupLightningMcQueenAndSallyLarge Hhpclms13
5/11 Sally
Y7146 6/11 Fillmore Single 38-Fillmore-Diecast Fm13
Y7145 7/11 Flo Single 111-Flo-Diecast F13
Y7148 8/11 Body Shop Ramone Single BodyShopRamoneLarge Bsr13
9/11 & 10/11 Luigi & Guido with Shaker and Glasses Single LuigiAndGuidoWithShakerAndGlassLarge (Cars Toys Wiki image) L&gws&g13
Y0548 11/11 Waiter Mater Deluxe Waiter Mater Diecast Wm13

Tuners Collection[]

Toy # Collection # Name Format Model photo Package photo
Y7137 1/10 Suki Single Suki large S-13
Y7136 2/10 Kabuto Single Kabuto large K13
Y0476 3/10 DJ with Flames Single DJWithFlamesLarge Dwf13
Y0477 4/10 Wingo with Flames Single WingoWithFlamesLarge Wwf13
Y7138 5/10 Harumi Single HarumiLarge (Cars Toys Wiki image) H.13
Y0509 6/10 Yokoza 2-pack YokozaAndChisakiLarge Yc13
7/10 Chisaki
Y4343 8/10 Snot Rod with Flames Single SnotRodWithFlamesLarge Srwf13
Y0479 9/10 Boost with Flames Single BoostWithFlamesLarge Bwf13
Y7139 10/10 Ichigo (Chase) Single IchigoDiecast Ichigo2013release

Super Chase[]

Only at Kmart Deluxe[]



Metallic Deco[]

