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Carolina Santos Duavião is the Brazilian version of Rochelle that appears in the Brazilian and Mexican version of Planes.


Carolina is painted white, with green and yellow on her tailfin and the ends of her wings. She also has blue on her sides and the ends of her wings.


Carolina's design is a combination of a LearAvia Lear Fan's fuselage, a French built Fouga Magister jet trainer's V-shaped tail, a Williams V-Jet II's cockpit windows and a Bay Super V.


Carolina is a famous Brazilian air racing champion


  • Carolina is a real race pilot nature and the pride of the Guiana Shield. Confident and capable, she began her career as a small-town mail plane in the Amazon Rainforest, by providing them with their ailing colleague spare parts. She discovered her passion for speed and decided to try it with flying race. She has not looked back since, because Carolina leaves her competition is always far behind. Although it is constantly fluttering of Charm Stud El Chupacabra, is much too focused on the next race win to return his feelings.
    • Carolina é uma competidora durona e é o orgulho do Planalto das Guianas. Sempre confiante e competente, iniciou a carreira entregando cartas em vilarejos na região da Amazônia e transportando remédios caseiros. Frequentemente perseguida pelo encantador personagem ‘El Chupacabra’, personagem mexicano, a determinada Carolina está concentrada demais em vencer a corrida para retribuir a sua afeição. (Portuguese)
    • source: disney.com.br

