Clebert is fictional American car trademark in Cars. It produces SUVs and sedans.
- 2000 Clebert Sniffler (Wilmar Flattz)
- Clebert Animatic (Studs McGirdle)
- Clebert Battleaxe (Frank Pinkerton)
- Clebert Scooner (Benny Brakedrum, Cubby)
- The 2000 Clebert Sniffler bares resemblance to the 1992 Delbert Advocate and 2003 Roymack Sender.
- The Clebert Scooner bares resemblance to the Capitol Motors Behemoth XLI and the Emerycraft Inka.
- The Clebert Animatic bares resemblance to the Emerycraft Puttputt, Timothy Twostroke's model specifically.