Emperor Sheev Palpatine is a character from the Star Wars franchise. Originally a senator from the planet Naboo, Palpatine lived a double life as Sith Lord Darth Sidious. Palpatine manipulated his way into becoming the Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, and befriended a young Anakin Skywalker in hopes of making him an eventual apprentice. After playing both sides of the Clone Wars, Palpatine successfully wiped out the Jedi with the help of his newfound apprentice, Anakin Skywalker, now dubbed Darth Vader. Following this, he transformed the Republic into the first Galactic Empire, and dubbed himself Emperor.
In the Star Wars crossover merchandise line, the Emperor was portrayed by Sarge.
General information[]
Emperor Palpatine is depicted as a 1942 Jeep Willys MB, with the imperial sigil on both of his sides and all four of his wheels.