Hollismobile is a fictional American car company in the Cars universe. It produces a variety of makes and models, including station wagons, coupes, and pickup trucks.
- 1944 Hollismobile Driftwood (Mildred Bylane, Jonas Revera)
- Hollismobile Driftwood (Kit Revster)
- Hollismobile Mertz (Hooman)
- Hollismobile Rumbler (Derek "Decals" Dobbs)
- Hollismobile Rumbler (Hank "Halloween" Murphy)
- Hollismobile Campster (Roscoe, Thunder Hollow Announcer, Tony Motorfelt, Barney Cones)
- The 1944 Driftwood is the only Hollismobile model with an officially known year.
- In Hooman's Car Finder Game bio, his model's name, Hollismobile Mertz, is spelled with only one "L" instead of two in "Hollis".
- Though this was highly likely to be an error, not a duplicate/separate manufacturer.
- Derek "Decals" Dobbs and Hank "Halloween" Murphy are both Hollismobile Rumblers, however their designs are noticeably different. It is possible their models were manufactured at different years.
- The Hollismobile Mertz is closely resembles the Brawny Motor Co. Dynamo LX and Nemomatic Menv.