Pixar Cars Wiki

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Pixar Cars Wiki

Server List

A server is where players would log on and play The World of Cars Online. If there were an excessive number of cars in a server, new players would be barred from entry, and would be forced to select a different one with less or no players at all, like an "express" or "open road" server.

  1. Alignment
  2. Axle
  3. Backfire
  4. Biofuel
  5. Camshaft
  6. Catalyst
  7. Chrome
  8. Driveshaft
  9. Bumper
  10. Defogger
  11. Exhaust
  12. Fender
  13. Foglight
  14. Formula
  15. Fumes
  16. Gasket
  17. Grease
  18. Gridlock
  19. Hatchback
  20. Hazard
  21. Horsepower
  22. Hot Rod
  23. Hydraulics
  24. Ignition
  25. Isolator
  26. Lugnut
  27. Mudflap
  28. Muffler
  29. Nozzle
  30. Overdrive
  31. Pinstripe
  32. Relay
  33. Reverse



  • Alignment was one of the most popular servers in the game; by contrast, the alphabetically last servers were usually less used.
    • Alignment is also one of the few servers to appear on Mattel Cars license plates.
  • There were more servers added at one point in time, listed alphabetically S-Z. Since they were just extras and weren't extremely used, they were later removed.