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Marlena Wolfsburg is a racer in the early version of the World Grand Prix in the original story of Cars 2. She is the "Ultimate Le Mans" as she told McQueen. Based on an early Cars 2 poster, and a particular concept art found in the background of the "Cars 2: Mater Takes Tokyo" video, she is an earlier iteration of Carla Veloso. She also appears in the deleted Germany race doing a donut as she prepares for the rally course.



  • "You are easily fooled!" - Cars 2 deleted scene
  • "I'm the ultimate Le Mans! I'm built for this." - Cars 2 deleted scene
  • "You are blocking my solar panels." - Cars 2 deleted scene


  • She seems to be the earlier adaption of Carla Veloso.
    • Her model from the deleted race scenes in Paris and Germany is similar to Carla's. An early concept art as well as an early Cars 2 poster also show Carla being named Marlena.
  • She was one of three female characters in the earlier concept art of Cars 2 (Two other two originally-female-planned-racers being Raoul and Rip).
  • In another concept design, Carla was a German sports prototype whose livery resembled the 2009 Audi R15 TDi, having a similar silver, red, and black livery.
  • Her name was revealed in the German Rally race scene.
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