Remirunabout is a fictional American car company. It produces various makes and models, including sedans and SUVs.
- Remirunabout Menv (Bertha Butterswagon)
- Remirunabout Menv (Bennie Caliper)
- Remirunabout Neuro (Marty Brakeburst, M.A. Brake Drumm, J. Low Lee, Kim Carllins)
- Remirunabout Nortic (Swift Alternetter)
- Remirunabout Orbit (Race Official Tom)
- Bertha Butterswagon's model is exactly the same as Polly Puddlejumper's model, the Emerycraft Puttputt.
- Bennie Caliper's model bares resemblance to the Brawny Motor Co. Leeway GT, Crown Median TL, Microcaster Chickmonk, and Nimbly Co. No-see-um LX.
- The Remirunabout Nortic bares resemblance to the Axxelo Turnpike LX.
- The Remirunabout Orbit bares resemblance to the Haulital Lugnutter, and Park Motors Perk EX.
- The Capitol Motors Verve JR appears to be a miniature version of the Remirunabout Neuro.